Join us for high-quality, inspirational, Unitarian Universalist Worship, fifty-two Sundays a year! We worship every Sunday at 10am, in person and on Zoom.
What to Expect on a Sunday...
Don't worry. Whoever you are, whatever you are, where ever you are on life's journey... you're welcome!
What to Wear:
We're pretty casual. Wear what makes you feel comfortable. Shorts and jeans are fine. Our pastor wears a necktie and shirt sleeves.
We have a small parking lot immediately adjacent to the church building and a second small lot at the east end of our property accesible from the alley. If the lots are full there is abundant street parking.
Our building is wheelchair accessible. We have assigned parking, an accessibility ramp, designated spaces in the sanctuary and accessible bathrooms.
When you enter, you'll be welcomed by a volunteer "greeter." The greeter will offer you a name tag (we all wear name tags) and ask you to sign in, which will add your name to our email list to receive our weekly newsletter. You can remain in the narthex and chat, or feel free to enter the sanctuary and find a place. If you have children with you, ask the greeter to introduce you to our Director of Religious Education.
Children and Youth Programs:
Our children participate in the opening elements of worship where we create community and affirm the fundamentals of our faith. We also prepare a weekly "Children's Message" on the theme of the day, usually presented by the Pastor or our Religious Education Director. After the Children's Message, children are welcome to remain in worship for the rest of the hour, or they can leave the sanctuary to attend age appropriate children's programming.
The Worship Service:
Because our faith grew from Protestant Christian roots, you will recognize our form of worship if you've attended any Protestant Christian service. We create sacred space and explore the theme of the day through readings and hymn singing. Our musicians provide music. Our Pastor preaches, usually for 20 minutes or so. We collect an offering and we listen to personal news that members wish to share about significant matters in their lives. The tone is reverent but light-hearted. We draw guidance from our UU history and theology and from the breadth of world religious and non-religious wisdom sources. Times to "rise in body or in spirit" and times to sit are clearly indicated in the order of service and are always announced from the pulpit.
Social Hour:
Following the service, folks linger for a casual gathering where members and visitors can get to know one another. The Pastor will want to greet you, so don't slip away too quickly! This can be an excellent time for newcomers to make connections and learn more about the congregation and Unitarian Universalism in an informal atmosphere.
The Worship Committee
The Worship Committee meets monthly with our pastor to help him arrange the worship services he is responsible for leading (three Sundays a month) and to invite guest ministers or develop lay-led programs for the Sundays the pastor is off. The Worship Committee is assisted in its work with several other teams of volunteers who fulfill worship-related tasks or participate in the service:
Worship Associates
Chalice Lighters
Joys and Sorrows Readers
Flowers for the Altar