Religious Exploration 

Religious Exploration (RE) helps us learn the history of our faith, define personal beliefs, engage with spiritual practices, and incorporate our faith values into the actions that form the fabric of our lives.

Sunday Programs for Children and Youth

All ages of our congregation gather at 10am in the sanctuary.  Young folks participate in the opening of our worship as we affirm the basics of our faith.  After a special "Children's Message" usually presented by the pastor or RE Director, our children may choose to stay in worship or join our religious education classes.  "Curriculum Days" (using themes drawn from a UU resource called "Soul Matters") alternate with "Action Days" such as tending to our community garden, or making sandwiches to support the church's Tuesday homeless drop-in program.  Every Sunday we combine story, song, art, movement, discussion, and play to engage children with many learning styles, abilities, and activity levels.

A special note about child safety.  Your child's safety is our highest concern.  Every class is led by at least two adults, at least one of whom will have undergone a background check with the State of California Department of Justice.

Third Thursday Dinners

Join us February 20, March 20, and April 17 2025!

 Once a month on a Thursday evening, families gather at the church for an intergenerational social time.  Dinner is hosted by members of our Senior Fellowship.  Everyone participates in card games, board games, or active play that appeals to them.  Having fun together is the strategy to build community and a goal in itself.

Adult Religious Education

See our new offerings!

 Our RE programs are for adults, too!  Our Pastor and lay leaders regularly lead weekday evening classes on UU history and theology, world religions, and justice issues of the day.  Join one of our book clubs.  Or stay after worship any Sunday for a discussion on that morning's worship theme.

Our Whole Lives

The OWL program is a values-based sexuality curricula available in age-appropriate sections for children and adults.  OWL classes are arranged when a sufficient number of families are interested in the program and available to form a class of similarly aged children.

Jacki Weber, Director of Religious Education

(818) 769-5911x105

Office Hours:

Wednesdays - 10am to 2pm

Sundays - one hour before and after services

Other Days - by appointment/zoom