Membership & Outreach

Unitarian Universalism provides a spiritual community of shared values, meaning, and purpose.  People today are seeking real connection, intimate friendships, a place to feel worthy and needed.  We long to step out of our "bubbles" and reach across our diversities to understand lives beyond our own and heal our world.  We want continued encouragement to spiritual growth for ourselves and our familes.  The membership and outreach programs at UUCSC are designed to meet people at every step of the membership journey from “I’ve never heard of that church”, to, “I’m curious”, to, “I visited”, to, “I came back a second and third time”, to, “I’m ready to become a member."

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Becoming a Member of our Community

The initial step for joining our church is to make a conscious decision to join. Next, you will complete some preparatory steps prior to formally signing your name in our Membership Book.  Everyone who makes the commitment to membership is recognized, affirmed and welcomed by the community at a New Member Ceremony, which is typically held during a Sunday morning service.

Welcoming Congregation

Our Congregation is dedicated to learning more about LGBTQ+ issues in order to become a more welcoming congregation.  We are in the process of renewing our UUA “Welcoming Congregation" certification.

The Membership Process

The formal membership process begins when you decide you are ready to join and submit a “Contact Information Form” that is available in the narthex Sunday mornings. The process culminates with signing the Membership Book.  Signing the Membership Book is an act of personal and public commitment to the life and work of our church and to the religious tradition in which we stand. Membership entails privileges and responsibilities.

Between the decision to join and signing the Membership Book is a period of education and preparation, designed to help you better understand how UUCSC works and what membership means. We have developed a checklist of activities and commitments that will inform you about and exemplify our congregation and its life.

• Attend a “New to UU and UUCSC” orientation meeting or, alternatively, meet individually with the Minister or Membership Chair

• Attend a meeting of at least one of the church’s “working” groups, committees, or Board of Trustees.

• Undertake at least one volunteer service activity in the church (coffee hosting, ushering, help with special event, etc.)

• Make a pledge of ongoing financial support

• Provide a short bio to introduce yourself to the congregation, which will be read on the Sunday of the New Member Ceremony when you sign the Membership Book

What Membership Means in a UU Church

In many churches, membership involves reciting a religious creed or affirming a written set of beliefs. As a creedless faith, Unitarian Universalism defines congregational membership somewhat differently.

In the free church tradition, we understand membership as a matter of covenant between people — a promise to stand together with other members of the congregation in a relationship of mutual respect and support, to take your own religious journey seriously in community with others, and to work together in commitment to a common vision.

One of the common and natural transitions that people make after attending a church for an initial period of acquaintance is beginning to “feel at home.” This personal awareness is the first stage in deciding to join a church. The first meaning of church membership is thus a private commitment of identification and loyalty.

• It may mean that you decide for yourself that this congregation is and will be your “religious home,” and that you wish to make a formal affirmation of that realization.

• It may mean that you want to say to yourself and others that you join in support of the principles and values that have shaped our religious tradition over the decades.

• It may mean that you want to be recognized by others in choosing this congregation as your “religious home.”

In “signing the book” you affirm decisions like these for yourself and promise to help us in strengthening the life of this congregation, promoting the religious growth of yourself and others, and making our religious tradition and its values and principles better known in the world.

Joining the church implies a commitment to be actively involved in the life of the congregation. Of course, people vary widely in their ability to contribute financial support and volunteer time. But generally we expect that our members will find a niche in which they can use their skills and interests in a way that is rewarding for them and supportive of the life of the church as a whole

Ready to Become a Member?

Contact our Membership Chair by email

Or Consider Becoming A “Friend” of the Church

People who have not yet chosen formal membership, but support and/or participate regularly in church activities, may be a “Friend" of the church.  Some people, for various reasons, choose to remain friends of the church for several years, loyally volunteering their time and financial support.

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