This Sunday

Join us in our Sanctuary at 10am

12355 Moorpark Street, Studio City, CA 91604

..and streaming on Zoom

February 23, 2025

If They Say “No”

By Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels

10:00 AM, In-person and Via Zoom

 Universalism affirms that all creation is one.  Ultimately, we will be together.  But before we reach that goal, what responsibility do we have to hold on to those who would block our path or do us harm?  When our invitation to love is refused, we must concede that for this stage of the journey some will walk separate paths.

Order of Worship

February 23, 2025


WELCOME, Greg Golden








CALL TO WORSHIP, #442, “We Bid You Welcome” Richard S. Gilbert


We bid you welcome, who come with weary spirit seeking rest.


Who come with troubles that are too much with you, Who come hurt and afraid.


We bid you welcome, who come with hope in your heart.


Who come with anticipation in your step, Who come proud and joyous,


We bid you welcome, who are seekers of a new faith.


Who come to probe and explore.  Who come to learn.


We bid you welcome, who enter this hall as a homecoming,


Who have found here room for your spirit.  Who find in this people a family.


Whoever you are, whatever you are, Wherever you are on your journey,


We bid you welcome.

*OPENING HYMN, #324, "Where My Free Spirit Onward Leads"


Where my free spirit onward leads, well there shall be my way; 

by my own light illumined I've journeyed night and day; 

my age a time-worn cloak I wear as once I wore my youth; 

I celebrate life's mystery; I celebrate death's truth.


My family is not confined to mother, mate and child; 

but it includes all creatures be they tame or be they wild; 

my family upon this earth includes all living things 

on land, or in the ocean deep, or borne aloft on wings.


The ever spinning universe, well, there shall be my home; 

I sing and spin within it as through this life I roam; 

eternity is hard to ken and harder still is this:  

a human life when truly seen is briefer than a kiss.


*COVENANT, led by Greg Golden

            Love is the spirit of this church,

            the quest for truth is its sacrament,

            and service is its prayer.

            To dwell together in peace,

            to seek knowledge in freedom,

            to serve humanity in fellowship,

            thus do we covenant. 


            From all that dwell below the skies,

            let songs of hope and faith arise.

            Alleluia! Alleluia!

            Let peace, good will on earth be sung,

            from every land, by every tongue.

            Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 

CHILDREN’S MESSAGE, “”, Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels

CHILDREN’S BENEDICTION, May Love Surround You” by Carole Etzler


May love surround you with warm gentle arms.

May love surround you and keep you from harm.

And may you always continue to grow.

May you find happiness wherever you go.

OFFERING, Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels


RESPONSE, “From You I Receive”


From you I receive

To you, I give

Together we share

And from this, we live.



            Readers:  Cynthia Toussaint, Gail Natzler

PRAYER, #477, Vivian Pomeroy


Forgive us that often we forgive ourselves so easily and others so hardly;


Forgive us that we expect perfection from those to whom we show none;


Forgive us for repelling people by the way we set a good example;


Forgive us the folly of trying to improve a friend;


Forbid that we should use our little idea of goodness as a spear to wound those who are different;


Forbid that we should feel superior to others when we are only more shielded;


And may we encourage the secret struggle of every person.


SERMON, “If The Say No” Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels

*CLOSING HYMN, #116, “I’m On My Way”


I’m on my way to the freedom land.

I’m on my way to the freedom land.

I’m on my way to the freedom land.  

I’m on my way, great God, I’m on my way.


I asked my sister, come and go with me.

I asked my sister, come and go with me.

I asked my sister, come and go with me.

I’m on my way, great God, I’m on my way.


I asked my brother, come and go with me.

I asked my brother, come and go with me.

I asked my brother, come and go with me.

I’m on my way, great God, I’m on my way.


If they so no, I’ll go anyhow.

If they so no, I’ll go anyhow.

If they so no, I’ll go anyhow.

I’m on my way, great God, I’m on my way.


I’m on my way, and I won’t turn back.

I’m on my way, and I won’t turn back.

I’m on my way, and I won’t turn back.

I’m on my way, great God, I’m on my way.

*BENEDICTION, #687 John W. Brigham


Go your ways,

Knowing not the answers to all things,

Yet seeking always the answer to one more thing than you know.