Committee Council Chair
Board of Trustees

Christina Mathers

Christina hails from Massachusetts and belonged for forty years to First Parish of Brookline UU Church. There she served on the Parish Board, chaired the Religious Education and Welcoming Congregation Committees, taught RE, co-chaired the Fundraising Committee and participated in the search for a settled minister. Outside of church she volunteered at Rosie’s Place, a shelter for houseless women, Reading for the Blind and Dyslexic, and was on the Board of Trustees of Shady Hill School, Cambridge, MA.

She has degrees in English Literature from Goucher College in Towson, MD and Simmons College in Boston, MA. She was employed largely in journalism and publishing, but her final job was as the Deputy Director of the Judicial Nominating Committee in Deval Patrick’s Governor’s Office. The office provided staff for a volunteer committee of 21 lawyers who helped Governor Patrick vet and select state judges.

Over the course of fifteen years, each of Christina’s five children moved west, so finally she and her husband Rich got the memo and joined them out here. They have no regrets. Spending time with her eight grandchildren, reading the books for her three book clubs, and working in the garden are her favorite extra curriculars.